Learn how to prepare a good speech - WELCOME TO PATRICK PATHDON BLOG

Learn how to prepare a good speech

SPEECH PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES. PRPARATION: Preparation is an essential factor in the success or failure of most public or school speeches. We often have a sad shock when we just gather a few facts together and then rely on our instincts to make their presentation interesting. We end up jumbling our facts and figures, and eventually boring our audience. In fact, you are inviting disaster if you attempt speaking unprepared on any subject, even if you are the expert speaker. From the moment you accept to talk you must begin to search for the speech material. This includes leafing through newspapers, magazines, books, lecture notes and reports checking for facts, figures, references, allusions, examples, jokes and anecdotes, asking questions, and seeking for expert advice. PRESENTATION: In presenting your public or school speeches, the first thing you could do is to try and sneak a look (if you have the chance) at the hall your talk is going to hold, and if possible, try standing at the rostrum for a few minutes. This way you will be having a feel of the place and an idea of the kind of voice the hall requires from you, should there be no microphone. Even if it is an hour or so before your talk begins it will still give you that comfort and feeling of oneness with the hall. Also remember that your speech presentation should comprise an introduction, a body and a conclusion, in fact, every good speech worth its name must have a good and short introduction, an elaborate body and a precise conclusion. These are usually kept as close together as possible with coordinators. NON-VERBAL SPEECH AIDS In presenting our talk, other elements come handy for consideration, and they are the non-verbal aids which assist us in our speech delivery. These are our dress code, posture, eye contact, movement or social stand still, gestures, voice volume and pausing. And they are always our companions in speech performance. Written by Patrick pathdon

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